


You can also add binds to them, like this: By default, you can access to them by using Alt+F1 to access the first, Alt+F2 to access the second, etc. ~/.ratpoisonrc exec /usr/bin/rpws init 6 -k Then add this line to your ~/.ratpoisonrc:īy default, ratpoison only has one workspace, but using a script called rpws (installed by default) you can have more. However, there is a way to "trick" the Java swing window into thinking it is in a tiling window manager and getting it to go to fullscreen correctly.įirst, install wmname. Java Swing GUI applications assume tiling window managers, and do not go to fullscreen properly with the default ratpoison configuration.

ratpoison ratpoison

See the included README.md for more options. There is a project at that replaces the default ratpoison widgets with GTK counterparts.įollow the on screen prompts, and you will get a ~/.ratpoisonrc that will automatically launch Orca when it starts. Tips and tricks Screen reader accessibilityīy default, ratpoison is not accessible with Orca. ~/.ratpoisonrc exec xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptrĪlias sshot exec import -window root ~/screenshot-$(date +%F).jpgĭefinekey top M-l exec ratpoison -c "select -" -c "gprev" -c "next"ĭefinekey top M-h exec ratpoison -c "select -" -c "gnext" -c "next" ~/.ratpoisonrc # Setting the escape key to the Windows key To change the mapping of the escape key to the Windows key, use the following line in your ~/.ratpoisonrc: So, if you type Ctrl+t and then f, ratpoison will fire up Firefox.Ĭtrl+t is the default escape key, the key used to trigger ratpoison commands. ~/.ratpoisonrc # Overriding CTRL+t 'c' to start aterm instead of xterm You are able to define custom keystrokes and even override existing ones in ~/.ratpoisonrc If you are used to GNU screen, you will feel at home very soon. Now type Ctrl+t and then ? to get a list of keybindings. Commands begin by pressing Ctrl+t, and are then followed by another combination such as Ctrl+Space to move to the next window.Īfter X11 starts up you will see a black screen and a little textbox on the upper right of it that says "Welcome to Ratpoison". The user interface is inspired by GNU Screen.īy default, ratpoison controls in much the same way as Emacs. Ratpoison is a tiling window manager written in C that allows the user to manage applications without a mouse. Reason: Poor style, duplicate content (Discuss in Talk:Ratpoison)
